

信息来源: 供稿人: 发布日期:2022-11-16 点击数:


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2022.11-至今       太阳集团tcy8722,特聘副研究员

2018.06-2022.11 太阳集团网址8722建筑与环境学院,特聘副研究员

2014.07-2018.06 中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院大气环境研究中心,助理研究员

2016.10-2016.12 加拿大约克大学地球与空间科学工程学院,访问研究(国家外专局“创新人才培训计划”项目)

2009.09-2014.06 北京大学物理学院大气与海洋科学系,获大气物理与大气环境专业博士学位

2005.09-2009.07 北京大学物理学院大气与海洋科学系,获大气科学专业学士学位


1. 大气复合污染综合观测

2. 污染-气象相互作用

3. 减污降碳协同


1. 《天气气候与大气污染》(本科)

2. 《环境系统分析》(本科)

3. 《毕业实习(环境工程)》(本科)

4. 《能源与环境》(本科,合作授课)

5. 《大气气溶胶》(硕士,合作授课)

6. 《环境大数据技术与应用》(硕士,合作授课)


1. 成都市细颗粒物和臭氧污染协同防控“一市一策”驻点跟踪研究,2021~2023,课题负责人

2. 四川省重大科技专项课题“四川盆地大气污染联防联控动态决策支撑技术研究及示范”,2019~2020,2018SZDZX0023,子课题负责人

3. 四川省重大科技专项课题“四川盆地大气污染多尺度气象条件协同关键技术”,2018~2020,2019SZDZX0008,子课题负责人

4. 总理基金“大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目”京津冀及周边地区“2+26”城市“一市一策”:滨州跟踪研究课题,2017~2019,子课题负责人

5. 国防科工局高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项应用共性关键技术项目“臭氧前体物与损耗气体廓线反演共性技术”,2016~2017,课题负责人

6. 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划“青年学者项目”:成渝地区高分辨率大气气溶胶光学厚度卫星遥感研究,2015~2018,项目负责人

7. 国家重点研发计划项目“成渝地区大气污染联防联控技术与集成示范”课题二“高原-盆地-丘陵气象过程与大气污染的相互作用机制研究”,2018~2021,2018YFC0214002,课题骨干

8. 国家重点研发计划项目“大气污染多平台一体化监测技术”,课题“大气污染天空地一体化实时监测技术应用示范”,2016~2020,2016YFC0200400,课题骨干/课题共同技术负责人

9. 重庆市应用开发计划重大项目“重庆典型城区PM2.5与霾综合观测体系构建及污染成因研究”,2014~2017,课题骨干

10. 中科院战略性先导科技专项“大气灰霾追因与控制”课题“成渝地区大气灰霾加强观测研究”,2014~2015,课题骨干


1. Xiang X.,Shi G.M.*, Wu, X.D., Yang, F.M. The Extraordinary Trend of the Spatial Distribution of PM2.5 Concentration and Its Meteorological Causes in Sichuan Basin. Atmosphere, 2022, 13, 853. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13060853

2. Liu Y.L.,Shi G.M.*, Du Y.S., Lyu M.Y., Zhang W., Yang F.M. The Role of Cloud in the Transportation of Dust into Basin Area: A Case Study in Sichuan Basin, Southwesten China. Atmosphere, 2022, 13, 1668. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13101668

3. Liu Y.L,Shi G.M.*, Zhan Y., Zhou L., Yang F.M. Characteristics of PM2.5 Spatial Distribution and Influencing Meteorological Conditions in Sichuan Basin, Southwestern China. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 253, 118364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118364

4. Wu X.D.,Shi G.M.*, Xiang X., Yang F.M. The Characteristics of PM2.5 Pollution Episodes during 2016–2019 in Sichuan Basin, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2021, 21, 11, 210126. https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.210126

5. Yan C.,Shi G.M.*, Yang F.M. The Rationality of PM2.5 Monitoring Sites' Locations Based on Exposure Level across Eastern China. Environmental Research Communications, 2021, 4, 1. https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/ac4641

6. Du X.X.,Shi G.M.*, Zhao T.L.*, Yang F.M., Zheng X.B., Zhang Y.J., Tan Q.W. Contribution of Secondary Particles to Wintertime PM2.5 During 2015–2018 in a Major Urban Area of the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Earth and Space Science, 2020, 7, e2020EA001194. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EA001194

7. Huang Y.M., Zhang L.Y., Qiu Y., Chen Y.,Shi G.M.*, Li T.Z., Zhang L., Yang F.M. * Five-year Record of Black Carbon Concentrations in Urban Wanzhou, Sichuan Basin, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2020, 20: 1282–1293. https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.2019.10.0516

8. Shi G.M., Yang F.M.*, Zhang L.M., Zhao T.L., Hu J. Impact of Atmospheric Circulation and Meteorological Parameters on Wintertime Atmospheric Extinction in Chengdu and Chongqing of Southwest China during 2001–2016. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2019, 19: 1538–1554. https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.2018.09.0336

9. Shi G.M., Liu R.L., Wang D.Y., Yang F.M*. Evaluation of the MODIS C6 Aerosol Optical Depth Products over Chongqing, China.Atmosphere, 2017, 8, 227. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos8110227

10. Wang H.B., Yang F.M.,Shi G.M.*, Tian M., Zhang L.M., Zhang L.Y., Fu C. Ambient concentration and dry deposition of major inorganic nitrogen species at two urban sites in Sichuan Basin, China. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 219: 235–244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2016.10.016

11. Shi G.M., Li C.C.*, Ren T., Wang Y.F. Retrieval of atmospheric aerosol and surface properties over land using satellite observations.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2015, 53(2): 1039–1047. https://doi.org/ 10.1109/TGRS.2014.2332551

12. Shi G.M., Li C.C.*, Ren T. Sensitivity analysis of single-angle polarization reflectance observed by satellite. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(14): 1519–1528. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11434-014-0213-x

13. Chen Y.,Shi G.M., Cai J., Shi Z.B., Wang Z.C., Yao X.J., Tian M., Peng C., Han Y.Q., Zhu T., Liu Y., Yang X., Zheng M.*, Yang F.M.*, Zhang Q., He K.B. Simultaneous measurements of urban and rural particles in Beijing–Part 2: Case studies of haze events and regional transport.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 20: 9249–9263. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-9249-2020

14. Wang H.B., Tian M., Chen Y.,Shi G.M., Liu Y., Yang F.M.*, Zhang L.M., Deng L.Q., Yu J.Y., Peng C., Cao X.Y. Seasonal characteristics, formation mechanisms and source origins of PM2.5 in two megacities in Sichuan Basin, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 18(2): 865–881. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-18-865-2018

15. Wang H.B.,Shi G.M., Tian M., Chen Y., Qiao B.Q., Zhang L.Y., Yang F.M.*, Zhang L.M., Luo Q. Wet deposition and sources of inorganic nitrogen in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 233: 520–528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2017.10.085

16. Wang H.B., Shi G.M., Tian M., Zhang L.M., Chen Y., Yang F.M.*, Cao X.Y. Aerosol optical properties and chemical composition apportionment in Sichuan Basin, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 577: 245–257. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.173

17. Wang H.B., Li X.H.,Shi G.M., Cao J.J., Li C.C.,Yang F.M.*, Ma Y.L., He K.B. PM2.5 chemical compositions and aerosol optical properties in Beijing during the late fall.Atmosphere, 2015, 6: 164–182.https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos6020164

18. 余柳源,石光明*,杨复沫. 2019年四川省盆地区域道路移动源排放的空间和车型分布特征.四川环境. 2022, 41(5): 57–62.https://doi.org/10.14034/j.cnki.schj.2022.05.009

19. 钱若芷,田密,陈阳,赵晴,彭超,石光明*,杨复沫.华北平原典型工业城市秋、冬季大气细颗粒物污染特征.地球化学. 2021, 50(1): 1–11.https://doi.org/10.19700/j.0379-1726.2021.01.001


1. 一种基于计算机集群的大气污染物扩散模拟方法.发明专利.专利号ZL202110425648.3, 2022年6月28日

2. 反演气溶胶微物理参数的方法、电子设备以及存储介质.发明专利.专利号ZL202110775785.X, 2021年12月10日

3. 系留气艇观测系统.使用新型专利.专利号ZL202120199165.1, 2021年12月7日

4. 一种恒温恒湿洁净称量环境控制设备.实用新型专利.专利号: ZL201410783854.1.




上一篇:刘 涛
